

Sample Hot Water Result

Estimated Energy Use (per annum)
Electricity (kWh) Total Energy (MJ) GHG Emissions (kgCO2) Running Cost
Total 3,339 12,020 3,105 $925
Replacement Options
Option Estimated Upfront Cost Estimated First Year Cost Annual GHG Emissions (kgCO2)
Existing Hot Water System $0 $925 3,105
Natural Gas Boosted Solar $7,260 $260 270
LPG Boosted Solar $7,260 $370 290
Natural Gas Instantaneous - 6 Star $2,130 $700 760
Natural Gas Storage - 6 Star $2,020 $760 770
LPG Instantaneous - 6 Star $2,060 $990 820
LPG Storage - 6 Star $2,030 $1,090 840
Natural Gas Instantaneous - 4 Star $1,760 $850 910
Natural Gas Storage - 4 Star $1,680 $950 970
LPG Instantaneous - 4 Star $1,710 $1,200 980
LPG Storage - 4 Star $1,690 $1,370 1,060
Electric Boosted Solar - Continuous Tariff $5,750 $520 1,090
Electric Boosted Solar - Off Peak Tariff $6,380 $330 1,090
Heat Pump $4,650 $840 1,780
Electric Instantaneous $1,090 $1,250 2,650
Electric Storage - Continuous Tariff $1,140 $1,280 2,710
Hot Water Tips
Cost To Implement Tip Yearly Estimated Savings Yearly Estimated Savings (kgCO2)
Good work, an efficient shower head is one of the cheapest and most effective ways to save power, money and water. - -
Free Taking 3 minute showers will save power, water and money. $230 790
Free Take a shorter shower (3-5 minutes) instead of taking a bath. A shorter shower uses less water than a bath. - -
Free Reduce the volume of water in your bath. A full bath uses about 200L of water. $65 230
$$$ If your top loading washing machine is old and needs replacing, consider replacing with a minimum 4-star rated front loading washing machine. Top loaders typically use more power and water than front loaders. $75 260
Free Wait until you have a full load before you run the washing machine or adjust your water level to the size of your load of washing. - -
Free Wash your clothes in cold water. Washing in hot water uses more energy. $100 350
Next time you need to change your hot water system, consider solar hot water which can reduce your hot water costs by up to 75%. - -